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Laying Your Turf

Some garden experts tell you to wet the soil down before you lay the turf. All that does is make it difficult to maintain a steady work surface.

We recommend the use of Sir Launcher before you start to lay your turf.

It is best to order your turf for the day you wish to lay it, as in summer time, after only one day, the turf starts to generate heat like compost and will start to go yellow. If this happens, the turf that’s gone yellow will still grow if laid within a reasonable time but will require extra water.

If you do not get your turf laid on the day you intend to do so, do not water it in the pile or cover with plastic; simply cover with an old sheet or blanket to keep the sun off it.

Turf may be laid all year round in Sydney Metropolitan area. However, during winter time, the turf delivered is usually not as green as summer time as it is grown on farms in vast open areas which allows the frost to burn it. Once the turf is delivered into housing estates in closed areas, by the time the turf takes root, it will normally be green again. This period usually goes from late June to early September.

If you are laying your back yard, start at the furthest point and that way as soon as you get a small section laid, maybe the kids can start to give it a light water. And you are also not walking over the area already laid. Use a sharp spade, etc for any cutting and shaping you may have to do.